My bedroom for the last week and a half |
Down to the last week before hitting the Continental Divide. I am putting final closure on things and am just about ready to go. Of course there are plenty of last minute chores to accomplish, including figuring out how I am getting to Glacier. I'm not a fan of flying, so it looks like it will be be a bus, train combo. I moved out of my room on June 1st and put my belongings in storage. My roommates have been gracious enough to put up with me sleeping on the back porch at night. It's pretty nice actually. The big dipper is right above me when I fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of a variety of birds, flying around the backyard. I also have been waking up much earlier than I usually do. My body becoming acclimated to the cycles of dark and light once again. I love it.
My belongings in storage yet again |
My roommate Michael and my friend Kate treated me to a weekend in Ft. Bragg as a sendoff gift. It was really nice of them to do. Temperatures in town reached 110 degrees the day we left for the coast. It was probably no more than 70 degrees on the coast. We ate Tai for dinner, played music in the evening, and went for a couple hikes along the beach. Thank you Kate and Michael!
Spending the weekend in Ft. Bragg with Kate and Michael |
My resupply packages are just about full and ready to go. I will be sending off four boxes. Benchmark, West Yellowstone, Encampment Wyoming, and Pagosa Springs Colorado. I will resupply the rest along the way. Other than my Benchmark box, the others will have all of my maps and paperwork for each state.
There is order in this chaos |
Besides being completely out of shape, I think I am ready to go. It's been too darn hot around here to do any training hikes in the afternoon. My last day of work is Thursday, and it looks like I will begin heading to glacier on Monday, with the hopes of starting the trail on the 19th. I will probably write a couple more posts before I leave...
ReplyDelete"Happy Trails, to You." :D
ReplyDeleteIf you follow the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper, it "arcs to Arcturus," a large, bright star in a constellation called, "Bootes." Follow the arc some more, and it leads to another bright star, Spica, in Virgo. Left (east) of Spica about a fist-width is a dimmer, yellow "star," which is actually Saturn.
Meanwhile, low in the west at sunset is the amazingly bright Venus. One of the things you'll notice during your hike is how far those planets will seem to change their positions relative the stars. Venus will slowly move further and further away from the sun during your hike, while Saturn will be moving the other way. If you're still on the trail in mid-September, they'll be close enough to cover both with an outstretched finger. Just something else for you to ponder when you're falling asleep on the patio!
Thanks Skyhiker!