Monday, May 27, 2019

Mountain Laurel

Just like that, the mountain laurel have arrived and are leaving the building, dropping petals on the forest floor as we speak. I missed the local peak of the bloom this year, thinking I still had a few more days. I noticed on Saturday morning that the plants didn't seem to bloom as much this season, at least in the place I like to go visit them. Some plants were full of blooms as you can see in the pictures, but other plants that were full of blooms last year hardly had any this time around. I guess it depends on the year. Get out there and enjoy them while you still can!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

May's Flora and Fauna

Time marches on. This spring my eyes have been drawn downward mostly looking at the local plant life which has been a real treat. Rain continues to fall consistently, and some of my favorite hikes have been with an umbrella, when most of the crowds are gone, and I can savor the emerald green color of the forest. Feeling a sense of satisfaction looking at this tiny plant world, much the same as I used to feel back in my redwood days.

The mountain laurel are just beginning to bloom in the Piedmont region. For me, it's the gateway to summer flower. This week should be the peak I would imagine. Otherwise, the heat and humidity is beginning to creep in for the first time. Yesterday, there seemed to be a noticeable change in the forest as more bugs and amphibians seemed to make their presence known. Today is supposed to be near 90 degrees.