Monday, August 2, 2010

Sierra City

Aloha from Sierra City! (Aloha seemed an appropriate greeting after passing Aloha Lake this week...)

The last four days from Tahoe have been a blur. I think I will always remember two things about this week. Lupines and Mule Ears. They are blooming all over the mountainsides around here. I've been hiking on average about 25 miles a day lately. Basically, I wake up at 6:15, hit the trail by 7:00, take a half hour break at 10:00, another around 1:00, another around 4:00, a few small ones before finding a place to cook and sleep around 8:30 or so. For some reason, my shoulders were really sore this week and my hips ached terribly when I went to sleep. Other than that, it feels good to be moving northward with direction and purpose. I still did not see my hiking bros on the trail, but I did finally bump into Stax and Indie in town today. Again, I had a lot of time to think and reflect this week, and have been reading my pocket Bible a lot. I'm starting to get a little anxiety about what the future holds once the trail is finished, but I'm trying to remind myself to stay in the moment.

So far, Sierra City may be my favorite resupply. I was planning on picking up my food and hitting the trail again, but I was directed to this amazing place called the Red Moose Inn. A woman named Margaret owns the place and has basically set it up solely for PCT hikers. It's an old bar and grill converted into a dwelling place for hikers to sit, eat, resupply, and relax. Most of it is free which I find truly amazing. Margaret is cooking us all dinner tonight, which I'm really looking forward to. Sierra City is a tiny mountain town with a population just over 200 people. The downtown area is just a single street with old historic mining buildings. I've already eaten my obligatory pint of ice cream and a Dr. Pepper is next on the list. Next resupply is Beldon. Thanks for reading and talk to you all soon...


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