Monday, January 21, 2019

Last Night's Super Wolf Blood Moon Eclipse

I was cloudy all day Saturday, rained all night and into Sunday morning, and then a frigid air mass entered the area yesterday afternoon and evening with strong, blustery winds. The night skies crystallized as the full moon popped above the horizon. It was perfect sky gazing for the lunar eclipse but frigid. These are the best photos I could get last night. It was so cold I could only stay outside for a couple minutes at a time. I wish I could have captured clearer images, but due to the cold and low light of the eclipsed moon, this was the best I could get. It was really beautiful to look at...


  1. Very well done, I think! Definitely better than my moon shots, and with much harsher weather than I had. Unfortunately, I had extremely limited battery life, and had to shoot quick, and without fine-tuning the focus on the moon.
