Monday, December 17, 2012

Montgomery Woods: December 16, 2012

Took a nice hike in Montgomery Woods yesterday to do some mushroom hunting. It was very cold and rainy this weekend, which kept the visitors away. I had the grove to myself. They have put up signs in the grove for the first time. Seven total. The water seems to have subsided a bit as well. The trail was walkable on the south side, where it was completely under water last week. Other than that, no major observations other than there seemed to be more mushrooms popping out of the earth this week than last for some reason. Very dark in the grove all afternoon as well.


  1. Shock and awe! Keep the pictures coming friend. You never fail to disappoint.

  2. You are too kind. How are you surviving the winter so far?

  3. Whoa I typed the top part wrong lol! You never fail to amaze is what I should of said. You never disappoint do to the fact the photos you take are of nature, and nature is perfect by just being its self.

    The wiki was short lived but I'm looking into other options.
    It was removed by county officials and I'm back to sleeping over at friends and families. I'll be back out soon enough though.

    Keep up the awesome pictures, the fungi especially. They look almost transparent!

  4. Hahaha, I would like to be able to say that when I said "You are too kind," I was being sarcastic, but to be honest I didn't notice your typo!

    That sucks your wiki was removed by the county. Land of the free eh?
